Go to http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
Answer YES or NO to the 72 Questions. SEE ME with questions/definitions/clarifications.
READ the KEIRSEYand BUTT/HEISS TYPE ASSESSMENTS and look at the career and famous people by clicking on the links

To answer the following questions (Email me your responses).
Can be found at http://www.keirsey.com/handler.aspx?s=keirsey&f=fourtemps&tab=1&c=overview http://typelogic.com
1. What is your type? Example- I am a ENTP
2. What was the strength of each preference?
I or E = %
S or N = %
F or T= %
J or P = %
3. What does the Keirsey description call you? Ex. ENTP are inventors
3. What does the Butt and Heiss type description call you? Ex: Clever professor
4. What are 5 personality traits common to your type? Ex; ENTPs are quick witted, love to argue, innovative/ingenius, problem solvers, optimist, but gets frustrated by small obtacles.
5. What 3 famous people share your type?
EX. Michaelango, Walt Disney, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison share my type
6. What are three careers that are good for your type?
Natural sciences, high school education, and computer science are all good careers for my type. As a high school computer teacher, I have to agree!
7. Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree because I love to argue a point, and I consider myself innovative and clever.
8. Add any additional comments or questions (EC)
I learned a lot about what type of person I am, but where can I go to learn about other types?
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