Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Doomsday scenarios

Students will create a research based presentation on one issue that they worry about.
Examples: Swine flu/pandemic flu, 2012, sunspots/sun exploding, nuclear war, biological warfare, food/water shortage, global warming, bee extinction, etc.

Presentations should include: text, media (audio/videos), effects (animations) and viduals (photos, charts, graphs)

1. Facts behind the hype
2. Likelihood of this scenario happenig
3. Preparedness
4. Prevention

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Research Budget / Taxes /Services

Choose one area from Phila Budget Challenge and research the PROS and CONS of each argument (raising taxes or cutting services).

Create a Powerpoint or Pages presentation which discusses the various issues involved, as well as a definition of your topic and place it in teh larger budget (If X is cut by y% , then Z will affect a, b, and c).

Monday, April 20, 2009

Balanced Budgets

Students will understand the basics of revenue and expenditures for our city government
Students will attempt to create a balanced city budget.

Fill out the form and click NEXT

  1. Review Revenue sources at http://economyleague.org/budget_challenge/sim/popups/revenuepie.html
  2. Review Expenses at http://economyleague.org/budget_challenge/sim/popups/expensepie.html
  3. Click Next and review 'How the Budget Challenge Works'
  4. Click Next and begin making your selections
  5. Take SCREENSHOTS of each choice (Teacher demo)
  6. When complete, write 5 things you learned about our city's revenue, and 5 things you learned about expenditures.
  7. Post your thoughts to your blog, along with your final number

Post to blog 5 things you learned about our city's revenue, and 5 things you learned about expenditures.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Assessment on Personality Projects

Please post to your blogs 3-5 facts you learned about ALL 4 categories

Guardian (SJs)

Artisans (SPs)

Idealists (NFs)

Rationals (NTs)

Extroverts VS Introverts

Overall thoughts about personality and our discussions. CHOOSE TWO and write a paragraph for each.
  1. Do opposites attract, or is it easier to have relationships with your own type? Explain.
  2. In schooling, should students be grouped homogeneously (same personality, backgrounds, skills) or heterogeneously (different personalities, abilities, cultures)? Why?
  3. How large a part does personality play in who you are? Explain.
  4. What did you learn about yourself from this project? What did you learn about others?